• Early Signs of Diabetes to Be Aware of

    Having sweets or desserts after a meal is more a need than a want for many. Everyone enjoys a dose of sugar and spice in their life. The problem is that this dose is far from healthy and we end up over-eating and loading on carbohydrates. It is of no surprise that 9.4% of the country’s population suffers from diabetes. This is a staggering number and it is only expected to rise in the years to come. To put it into perspective, diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the country, and diagnosing the early signs of diabetes helps control the disease better.

    Primary Signs of Diabetes
    At times, diabetes can develop in individuals without any real warning signs. In fact, almost one-third of the cases of type 2 diabetes occur without a warning. Do not be deterred by this statistic. Consult your doctor to understand the risks of the disease and whether you should be tested. Here are a few of the common early signs of diabetes:

    • Increased hunger despite eating enough, or more than enough
    • Increased thirst despite drinking enough water
    • Dry mouth sensation
    • Frequent urine infections or urination
    • Unexpected or unexplained weight loss even though you are eating properly
    • Extreme fatigue and weakness
    • Blurred vision
    • Headaches

    If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned early signs of diabetes, consult your doctor immediately and get a test scheduled. With the right diet, regular exercise, and medications, you can manage the disease and lead a healthy life. Be sure to check what can be done to avoid any further damage to the body as a result of the signs mentioned above and to maintain the right sugar levels in the body.

    Controlling your sugar intake is essential when it comes to keeping diabetes under check. Maintaining a controlled diet is a necessity as well. Avoid sweetened beverages, trans fats, white bread, rice, flavored coffee drinks, and packaged snacks. Include more of millet, quinoa, and a lot of vegetables to your diet. You can greatly improve your chances of not living a life of pills and controlled measures by detecting the early signs of diabetes and acting on them immediately. Your health is solely in your hands, so take preventive measures as soon as possible.

  • 10 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure

    The blood pressure level of every individual generally fluctuates throughout the day, but chronic high blood pressure is detrimental to health. It is often termed as a “silent killer.” According to a report by the CDC, 29% of adults in the country suffer from high blood pressure. A few common causes of high blood pressure are diabetes, alcohol consumption, obesity, smoking, and poor diet selection.

    However, to find out how to lower high blood pressure, discussed below are 10 effective methods to keep high blood pressure in check:

    Exercise Regularly
    A regular workout makes the heart stronger, leading to the pumping of blood with less effort. This ultimately leads to lesser pressure on arteries by the blood and lowers high blood pressure. An advisory by the American Heart Association suggests 40 minutes of physical activity every day.

    Reduce Your Weight
    A reduction in body weight helps in a significant reduction of high blood pressure. Losing even 5-10 pounds of weight will give you an answer on how to lower high blood pressure.

    Avoid Processed Food
    You can control your body weight by restricting the consumption of refined sugar and processed food. Restricting the use of processed food also reduces the salt intake.

    Avoid Smoking
    The hazardous chemicals present in a cigarette smoke increases the heartbeat and blood pressure. Moreover, the arteries shrink. This further exacerbates the blood pressure problem.

    Start Stress-relieving Activities
    Stress is known to increase the levels of blood pressure. If you are wondering how to lower blood pressure quickly, practice stress-relieving exercises regularly such as listening to music, performing yoga, and sitting for meditation.

    Sleep Properly
    Insufficient sleep has often been linked to high blood pressure. According to many studies, seven hours of sound sleep is highly recommended.

    Have a Garlic Clove Daily
    The regular intake of one clove of garlic lowers high blood pressure. Allicin, a volatile compound present in garlic, dilates the arteries, thereby reducing blood pressure.

    Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
    Caffeine temporarily raises blood pressure levels. If you are a regular coffee drinker, make sure you reduce your coffee consumption or go for a decaffeinated one.

    Reduce Consumption of Alcohol
    Although a moderate consumption of alcohol is advisable, intake of alcohol in high doses on a daily basis increases blood pressure levels. So keep yourself away from getting addicted to it.

    Take Timely Medications
    Sometimes, the answer to the question “how to lower high blood pressure?” is medications. They are prescribed in cases where the blood pressure is very high or lifestyle changes do not have any beneficial effects. They are strictly taken as per the guidance of a medical practitioner.

    High blood pressure is increasingly becoming a common health disorder. A range of lifestyle and dietary changes are essentially required to control this issue.

  • A Closer Look at the Symptoms of Influenza Flu

    Influenza is a particular kind of viral infection that attacks the respiratory system of patients, particularly areas such as the nose, throat, and lungs. Influenza is commonly known as flu, but it is not the same as stomach “flu” viruses, which are known to cause diarrhea and vomiting. In some of the cases, influenza does not require medical attention. The influenza flu symptoms come and go away silently. However, under some special circumstances, influenza and its complications have the potential to be fatal. There are a few influenza flu symptoms that need to be discussed for people to know and be aware of. Let us take a look at the symptoms of influenza.

    Normal symptoms

    Many people make the mistake of confusing flu with a very bad cold, and that is extremely common. Flu and cold symptoms both have a few overlapping symptoms that include a runny or blocked nose, a sore throat, and constant coughing. Listed below are some of the common symptoms of influenza flu that are different from a heavy cold:

    • High temperature and constant bouts of it
    • Cold sweats and shivering in the entire body
    • A headache and a general dizziness
    • Extreme amounts of pain in the joints and limbs
    • Fatigue and exhaustion

    Early symptoms

    In many cases, fatigue is thought to be one of the earliest influenza flu symptoms. With the flu, the fatigue can become more extreme. There are other early symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, fever, body ache, chilling in separate parts of the body, and in some rare cases, gastrointestinal changes. Early symptoms should be immediately noticed and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

    Symptoms in children

    • They start to breathe fast or have trouble breathing in general.
    • Their skin turns bluish.
    • They are not able to drink enough fluids necessary for the body.
    • They refuse to wake up or interact with other people.
    • They tend to become extremely cranky.
    • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and a worsened cough.
    • They have fever along with rash all over their body.

    Though it is not a very serious disease in most of the cases, influenza flu symptoms should not be neglected as it may lead to health conditions such as pneumonia. Moreover, consulting a doctor can help reduce the symptoms and treat the condition effectively.

  • Tips to Treat Nail Fungus Effectively

    Nain fungus leads to an unsightly appearance of the nails. The condition is more common on the toenails than the fingernails. If you get a nail fungus, your nails may turn brown or yellow. They may also lift up from the nail bed and split into halves or crumble. While it is usually a painless condition, nail fungus can get worse with time and make wearing shoes difficult. The condition may spread and affect all your toenails (or fingernails) as well. If you want to get effective relief from this condition, listed below are few of the best nail fungus treatment methods you can try at home to cure yourself faster:

    • Snakeroot extract – This extract is an antifungal derived from the sunflower family. It is available online and as part of a nail fungus treatment, it must be applied generously to the affected area after every three days for the first month, twice a week during the second month, and once a week during the third and (hopefully) the final month.
    • Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has antifungal and antiseptic properties. Apply the substance directly onto affected areas and let it work its magic. Apply this oil twice a day for best results.
    • Oregano oil – Oregano oil has many antifungal and antibacterial properties. You can apply it on the affected area twice a day as an effective nail fungus treatment option. At times, the oil can be used along with tea tree oil for better results.
    • Vicks® VapoRub – Vicks® VapoRub™ is a topical ointment, generally used to relieve people of a persistent cough. It is also known to be a handy home remedy to treat nail fungus. You can apply the ointment on the affected area and you should be good to go soon.

    You may opt for a medication to rid yourself of nail fungus or opt for a home remedy. Some medications such as Ciclopirox, Efinaconazole, and Tavaborole are highly effective, to say the least, but they may lead to a serious range of long-term side effects such as an upset stomach, jaundice, severe skin conditions, and dizziness. So, make sure you get yourself diagnosed through an experienced dermatologist before starting any of these medicines. At home or under a doctor’s supervision, whatever mode you may prefer, undergo a proper nail fungus treatment method sooner than later.

  • How to Treat Laryngitis Effectively

    When you talk too much or shout at the top of your voice, you will experience an irritation or inflammation in your voice box. This could be because of any hidden infection or irritation in your larynx. Inside your larynx, there are vocal chords which form the sound through its movement and vibration. But, when you have laryngitis, these vocal chords get inflamed and irritated. Because of this inflammation or irritation, your sound becomes worse. In certain cases, the voice completely goes away. However, the voice becomes normal after a week or so.

    Laryngitis is quite simple to treat. Here are a few ways common treatments for laryngitis.

    In the case of chronic laryngitis, a doctor will examine the vocal chords. A doctor might even ask to consult an ear or nose specialist. The two techniques that are primarily used to treat laryngitis are laryngoscopy (the doctor will examine the vocal chord with tiny mirror and light to look into the back of the throat) and biopsy (in case the doctor finds signs of serious damage around the throat).

    Treatment for laryngitis
    Laryngitis often gets better within a week or so. If necessary self-care measures are taken then it can help in controlling laryngitis. Some of the medications that are used in the treatment for laryngitis are:

    • Antibiotics: In most of the cases, laryngitis is caused by a viral infection. In such cases, antibiotics will not work. However, if there is a bacterial infection then a doctor might prescribe antibiotics.
    • Corticosteroids: If it is required to treat laryngitis as soon as possible then this is perhaps the best medication one can get. Corticosteroids reduce vocal chords inflammation in no time.

    However, one must not self-administer these medications. Only a doctor can prescribe the accurate dosage as per the diagnosis.

    Home Remedies and lifestyle changes
    Changing certain lifestyle habits can also be a preventive treatment for laryngitis. Here is what you can do.

    • Breathe moist air
    • Give the throat ample rest
    • Increase fluid intake
    • Keep the throat moist as it will prevent any irritation
    • Whispering or shouting puts a strain on the voice and so it is better to avoid both and speak in natural volume.


  • Common Symptoms and Preventive Measures of Back Pain

    Back pain is one of the most common health problems. This is mostly due to a highly sedentary lifestyle. It has been observed that nearly every person experiences back pain at least once in their life. Despite the widespread prevalence of this problem, there are certain necessary measures that help in the prevention of back pain. Also, there are some simple home treatments that can be followed to get relief. It is only in very cases that a surgery is required to treat back pain.

    Symptoms of back muscle pain
    There are many symptoms of back muscle pain. Some of the common symptoms include the following.

    • Shooting or stabbing pain
    • Pain that improves with reclining
    • Pain that radiates down the leg
    • Muscle ache
    • Pain that worsens with lifting, bending, walking, or standing

    When should one see a doctor?
    Back muscle pain will generally go away with time. Mostly it takes about a week for the pain to go away. However, if the pain persists then one may need to visit a doctor. There are some rare cases where back muscle pain might indicate a serious medical issue. In such cases, be sure to take the assistance of a physician. Such extreme symptoms include the following:

    • Urinal problem
    • Back pain accompanied by fever
    • While A person with a pre-existing back pain condition falls on their back

    Prevention of back muscle pain

    • Workouts: In order to live an active lifestyle, workouts are important. With an active lifestyle, one can easily eliminate back muscle pain. A few low-pressure aerobic exercises can be helpful in improving the condition. These exercises will help the back muscles become flexible and gain enough strength.
    • Building muscles: If one regularly workout, then there is a risk of being affected by back muscle pain because when one builds abdominal muscles, the back also gains strength. This really helps to protect the back from the severe pain.
    • Maintain body weight: A person’s body weight puts a lot of pressure on the back. If one is obese then one is more prone to back pain than a person with normal weight. So, try to maintain a healthy weight to prevent back muscle pain.

    Finally, if an active lifestyle with proper dieting is the most effective way to prevent back muscle pain.

  • Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma

    It is important to be vigilant about the skin throughout the year and not only during summers. If the skin changes its appearance in any way, be it in the form of sores, unusual moles, lumps, markings, blemishes, it may be a sign of melanoma or any other type of skin cancer. Whatever the weather may be, it is important to examine the skin from head to toe to look for any suspicious lesions and changes. Self-examination can help identify a potential skin cancer early and seek a cure. The odds of a full recovery are at their highest when treatment starts during an early stage or progression.

    Warning signs and symptoms
    One can check melanoma pictures to get a better idea of how it can look in the earlier stages. The most important warning sign of melanoma is the appearance of a new spot on the skin or a spot that is ever-changing in its color, shape, or size. The spot may look different from all the other spots on your skin and is quite odd, to say the least. This early warning sign is commonly known as the “Ugly Duckling Sign.”

    The ABCDE rule is another specific warning sign of melanoma. It can be checked across melanoma pictures and is governed by five different rules to identify a potential case of melanoma. You may have skin melanoma in the following instances:

    • A for Asymmetry – One half of a birthmark or a mole that does not match the other at all.
    • B for Border – The edges of the mark are ragged, blurred, notched, or irregular.
    • C for Color – The color of the mark does not appear to be the same throughout. It may vary and be represented in the form of different shades of black, brown, pink, blue, red, or even white.
    • D for Diameter – The spot is more than 6 mm across. Melanomas can be smaller than this at times as well.
    • E for Evolving – The mark keeps changing its shape, color, or size.

    The treatment for melanoma differs as per the stages of the cancer. It could include antiviral medications, therapies such as immunotherapy and chemotherapy, or it could also include surgery.

    It is essential to spot melanomas or non-melanoma skin cancers at their earliest. The ABCDEs strategy is the best method for the early recognition of melanoma. Once you have identified melanoma, seek immediate treatment. Melanoma pictures can help you identify a potential symptom in its early stages, so make sure you go through them and always consult a doctor when in doubt.

  • A Few Simple Remedies for Leg Cramps

    Also referred to as charley horse, leg cramps usually occur when a person is sleeping. Leg cramps can be quite unpleasant and cause a lot of discomfort. A person is unable to sleep as the pain is simply excruciating. When leg cramps occur, the muscles of the leg contract involuntarily turning a person immobile momentarily.

    Leg cramps are usually felt in calf muscle; cramps can also occur in thighs or feet. They typically last for a few minutes after which, the muscle loosens up and the pain dissipates. In mild cases, a few home remedies can be quite effective in treating leg cramps and curing pain.

    Triggering factors for leg cramps
    There are no definite triggers for leg cramps. But activities such as excessive running, sports like basketball and soccer and even weight training can lead to cramps as the muscles tend to feel worn-out. Leg cramps are more common during warm weather or when a person is not sufficiently hydrated. Drinking a lot of water can help keep leg cramps at bay.

    Medical reasons behind leg cramps
    Pregnancy increases the probabilities of leg cramps. People suffering from below mentioned diseases experience more leg cramps:

    • Alcohol use disorder
    • Thyroid
    • Addison’s disease
    • Kidney failure
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Liver cirrhosis
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Vascular disease
    • Sarcoidosis

    Some medicines also exacerbate leg cramps, such as:

    • Birth control medicines
    • Statins
    • Albuterol, which is a medicine given to asthma patients
    • Diuretics
    • Naproxen

    Remedies for leg cramps
    Leg cramps can be effectively taken care of with some self-care techniques. Doing stretching exercises can reduce the risk of leg cramps. In case the cramps are recurrent, doctors usually prescribe medicine to relax the muscles. The following are some quick relief remedies for leg cramps are as below:

    • When there is a cramp in the leg, massage the area and then stretch it slowly.
    • If the cramp is in the calf, one should flex the foot in order to stretch the muscle. Try to walk around on heels in case the pain is unbearable.
    • Apply hot or cold packs in the affected area to get relief from pain.
    • Take bath in warm water or steam to ease out the tired muscles.
    • If there is a cramp in the front thigh i.e. quadriceps, a chair can be used to first get balance. Then try pulling the foot of affected side up towards the buttock. This will ease out pain and straighten the muscle.
    • Take Vitamin B complex supplements to minimize leg cramps.

    These are some simple remedies for leg cramps that can be helpful for alleviating the pain. In case, the pain does not go away, a doctor should be consulted.