• All You Need to Know About Tingling Feet

    Do you often wake up with a tingling sensation in the feet?
    A tingling sensation generally refers to a sensory loss in any body part. It is vital not to ignore this warning signal as tingling in the feet could indicate nerve damage.

    Causes of a tingling sensation in the feet
    A tingling sensation in the feet can sometimes be temporary and harmless or could be the result of pressure on the nerves or incorrect posture. However, this “pins and needles” effect on your feet is usually painless, and you can dismiss it as soon as you relieve the pressure which causes it.

    On the other hand, continuous tingling sensations in your extremities, especially the feet, can be the sign of a disease; in fact, it can be severe, episodic, or chronic. Other symptoms such as pain, prickling, burning, electric shocks, itching or numbness can accompany the tingling sensation. In such cases, it is vital to not to take it lightly since it can be a sign of nerve damage, systemic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disorder, liver disease, hormonal imbalance or a connective tissue disorder. Sometimes, some severe infection, autoimmune disease, nerve compression caused by a herniated disc, dislocated bone or vitamin deficiency can cause this symptom.


    It is advisable to take instant medical advice for persistent tingling sensation in the feet or hands or both. The sooner the doctor identifies the primary cause of this symptom, the sooner it can be treated. You are also less likely to suffer any permanent damage.

    Medical experts carry out a physical examination and then conduct extensive blood tests to identify the cause. Other tests that are usually carried out are:

    • Electromyogram commonly referred to as EMG, which tests the electrical activity of the muscle
    • Nerve conduction test
    • Computed tomography (CT) scan
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    Successful treatments for a tingling sensation in feet depends on getting an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause. If the nerve cells are not damaged, then the tingling will subside over a period of time as the cells are capable of regeneration. If diabetes is the cause for this, then you can control your blood sugar levels through lifestyle changes. Thus, the progression of diabetic neuropathy can slow down significantly. Doctors recommend vitamin supplements to patients who experience this symptom because of vitamin deficiency.
    Additionally, it is vital to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, abstain from smoking and alcohol consumption. Patients can walk and exercise regularly to avoid such sensations.

  • Tips to Control Diabetes with Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a plethora of health benefits. Recent studies have pointed out that this ingredient can be especially beneficial for diabetic patients and help in the effective management of type 2 diabetes.

    Apple cider vinegar is a form of vinegar made from freshly pressed apple juice. The process takes several weeks in which the sugars break down, resulting in the formation of ACV.

    Apple cider vinegar for diabetes control
    ACV is a rich source of probiotics that aid the process of digestion. These probiotics or good bacteria are essential to regulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract as well as prevent digestive and gastric diseases.

    Absence or shortage of this good bacteria in the intestine can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Thus, it is acknowledged that apple cider vinegar is one of the best solutions to control diabetes and manage other chronic health conditions.

    Additionally, vinegar contains a combination of chromium and acetic acid which improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.

    Tips to control diabetes with apple cider vinegar
    Remember that apple cider vinegar can control diabetes and improve the condition of diabetic patients. Use ACV in the following ways:

    • Add one tablespoon of ACV to your smoothies or juices.
    • Drink a mixture of one teaspoon ACV, one teaspoon honey, and ½ cup water every day.
    • Make a salad with your favorite vegetables and use apple cider vinegar as the salad dressing.
    • Include it as an ingredient for preparing sauces or dips.
    • Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to two tablespoons of ACV. Drink the mixture. To get rid of the sour taste of ACV, suck on orange wedges.
    • Add ACV to your drinking water.
    • Add two tablespoons of ACV to two tablespoons of water. Consume the mixture along with cheese before bedtime.
    • Make sure that you add apple cider vinegar to dishes that do not require heating, as heat destroys the probiotic bacteria.

    How much to take?
    Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar are sufficient for controlling diabetes. It is best to mix this vinegar with something instead of consuming it directly.

    It is important to know that ACV is not a substitute for diabetes medications. Apple cider vinegar can only help control diabetes, not cure it. If you are prone to acidity, be careful before consuming this ingredient. It is best to consult your doctor before taking apple cider vinegar for diabetes control.

  • How to Effectively Stop Hiccups

    People experience bouts of hiccups that can be troublesome as well as embarrassing. Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, which is a large muscle that aids in breathing, begins to involuntarily spasm. When a spasm occurs, it makes you inhale suddenly and your vocal cords instantly shut. This results in an unusual sound. So, it’s essential to know how to stop hiccups rather than wait for it to end.

    Usually, hiccups do not last for more than 5-10 minutes, but they can sometimes interfere with talking or eating. There are several effective ways to get rid of hiccups. Yet, if hiccups last for more than 48 hours, seek a doctor’s help because there may be an underlying condition which may require treatment. Here are some general tips on how to stop hiccups.

    Breathing and Posture Techniques
    Such techniques can be really helpful to stop hiccups.

    • Perform slow and measured breathing
      Slow and measured breathing can relax your diaphragm. Breathe in and breathe out to a count of five. This is a good start for those who don’t know how to stop hiccups.
    • Hold your breath
      Inhale a substantial amount of air and hold it for 10-20 seconds. Exhale slowly.
    • Hug your knees
      Sit down and bring your knees close to the chest. Hug them tightly for 3-4 minutes before releasing them.
    • Compress your chest
      Bend in the forward direction to compress your chest and exert pressure on the diaphragm.

    Pressure Points
    Simply pressing a few pressure points with your hands can help to relax the diaphragm.

    • Squeeze your palm
      Apply gentle pressure on one palm with the thumb of the other hand.
    • Pull out your tongue
      This can help in stimulating your throat muscles.
    • Put pressure on your diaphragm
      Gently apply pressure on the area between your lungs and the abdomen with your hands.

    Things to Eat or Drink

    • Drink ice cold water
      Slowly sipping ice-cold water can help you get rid of hiccups.
    • Eat sugar or suck sugar cubes
      Put a small pinch of sugar on your tongue and let it sit for 10 seconds.
    • Suck on a lemon
      Slowly suck on a lemon. Remember to rinse your mouth to safeguard your teeth from citric acid.
    • Eat honey or peanut butter
      Consume a spoon of either honey or peanut butter, letting it dissolve in your mouth.

    The above suggest some ways of how to stop hiccups. However, if you get hiccups frequently or long-lasting ones, chances of underlying conditions such as stroke, gastroesophageal reflux or multiple sclerosis arise. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately.

  • 5 Tips to Clear Mucus in the Throat

    Mucus is the annoyingly thick and sticky substance that helps to protect and support your respiratory system. It may seem unhygienic and quite useless to say the least, but its stickiness is a boon as it traps allergens, viruses, and dust. Hence, mucus is found on the lining of the nose, throat, mouth, sinuses, and the lungs. While mucus does not pose to be much of an irritant during normal days, it is quite the menace when we are sick. It tends to thicken when we are ill or exposed to foreign substances. Mucus sticking to the back of the throat causes immense discomfort and requires us to make frequent trips to the bathroom. Here are a few ways you can get rid of excessive mucus naturally and coughing up mucus will be made much easier.

    Treatment for Mucus in the Throat 

    • Humidify the air
      You can get rid of excessive mucus in the throat by humidifying the air. It helps in thinning down the mucus, making it easier to get rid of it in the bathroom. Getting a good air humidifier is a good start if you don’t know how to clear mucus. Please note that you need to change the water in the humidifier on a daily basis. Also, ensure that you clean the device according to the instructions mentioned in its packaging.
    • Eucalyptus oil
      Coughing up mucus is much easier when you use this oil as it helps soften the mucus in your throat. It is easily available online and is one of the best home remedies available.
    • Drink lots of water
      Apart from compensating for the amount of water lost through your runny nose, drinking lots of water will help move the stuck mucus from its place. It loosens the hold mucus has on the lining of the throat wall and makes coughing up mucus much easier.
    • Gargle salt water
      Gargling salt water is one up the best natural treatments to help rid you of mucus stuck to your throat lining. All you have to do is mix some salt with warm water and gargle it at least 2-3 times a day. It should help you get rid of mucus at the back of your throat. It can also help kill germs and soothe your throat.

    While these tips go a long way in helping cough up mucus, you can also opt for medications if the going gets tough. Coughing up mucus is not a task, so follow these tips and you should be good to go!

  • Tips for Effectively Treating Heel Pain

    Heel pain is a very common foot problem that may be caused due to a stress fracture, tendonitis, heel spur, or arthritis. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, or heel spur syndrome, which is due to the inflammation of the tissue connecting the heel to the toes.

    Treatment for heel pain depends on the cause of pain. Since there are many causes of heel pain, proper diagnosis is necessary before deciding on treatment for heel pain. Pain in the heel may be a temporary or chronic condition. The pain worsens when you take the first step after waking up in the morning or extended periods of standing or walking. In some cases, heel pain may be accompanied by swelling as well. People who are overweight have a greater tendency to develop heel pain.

    It is crucial for deciding the right treatment plan. The physician conducts a complete physical examination of the foot and evaluates your medical history during diagnosis. Diagnostic tests like X-rays and other imaging techniques are conducted to identify any abnormalities in the bone or structures surrounding the heel.

    Treatment for Heel Pain
    Heel pain may be treated non-surgically or surgically. Mild to moderate heel pain can be treated through conservative treatments. Unless it is caused by other medical conditions, people with heel pain recover within a few days to a few months with treatment and adequate rest.

    • Non-surgical Treatment for Heel Pain
      Physical exercises such as simple stretching of the feet help ease the heel pain. Applying ice packs frequently helps relieve temporary heel pain. Use a thin towel between the ice pack and feet. Non-steroidal medication also helps reduce pain and inflammation of the heel. Adequate rest helps take the load off the heels. In some cases, ill-fitting footwear could be the cause of heel pain; changing to a new pair may sometimes just work. Providing support to the heels or placing cushions in your shoes helps ease heel pain.
    • Surgical Treatment for Heel Pain
      Surgery is an option for persistent heel pain caused due to an injury or fracture. Patients affected by plantar fasciitis who do not respond well to non-surgical treatments may require surgical treatment.

    Heel pain is usually felt at the bottom of the heel. The pain starts gradually and worsens over time. Treatment for heel pain is decided on the basis of the cause and severity of pain.

  • Causes of Kidney Cysts and How They Can be Treated

    A cyst is a round sac filled with fluid. This pouch of thin-walled tissue grows in the kidneys, the bean-shaped organs responsible for filtering waste out of the bloodstream. You may have one cyst on one kidney or many cysts on both the kidneys.

    There are two types of cysts:

    • Simple cysts
      Such cysts contain fluid and generally do not cause any harm.
    • Polycystic kidney disease
      This is a progressive disease that can eventually lead to kidney failure.

    Here, we will discuss some of the common causes and treatments of kidney cysts to help you gain a better understanding of the condition.

    Common Symptoms
    Before we get to the causes and treatments of kidney cysts, let’s look at some of the most common symptoms. It is important to note that a lot of times simple cysts do not cause any symptoms. They only occur if the cyst enlarges or gets infected.

    • Fever
    • Pain and swelling in the upper abdomen
    • Frequent urination
    • Pain in the back or side between pelvis and ribs
    • Dark urine
    • Blood in the urine

    Each kidney contains thousands of tiny tubules that carry urine. In case these tubes become swollen or blocked, they fill up with fluid and result in the formation of a cyst. Generally, as one gets older, the chances of developing cysts increase. On the other hand, polycystic kidney disease is an inherited condition, often caused due to a change in genes.

    For an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a urologist. He or she may take a blood or urine sample to see how well your kidneys are functioning. In addition, your doctor may get any of these three tests done:

    • Computed tomography (CT) scan
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
    • Ultrasound

    If the size of the cyst is small, it may not require any formal treatment. However, if the size expands, the two common treatments done are as follows:

    • Sclerotherapy
      This is a simple procedure that involves draining the cyst. The doctor will insert a thin needle through the skin into the cyst and drain out the fluid.
    • Surgery
      A large cyst is removed by laparoscopy by trained surgeons under the effect of anesthesia.

    A lot of times, people mistake kidney cysts as kidney stones and begin with kidney stones treatment, which is extremely dangerous. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two and plan the line of treatment accordingly after medical consultation.

    Now that you have understood the causes and treatments of kidney cysts, consult a doctor whenever you experience any symptoms.

  • Tips to Get Immediate Relief from RLS

    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder that causes “tingly,” “itchy,” and “pins and needles” sensations in the legs. The symptoms of RLS typically occur when a person is resting, sleeping, or sitting. Most of the times, it occurs at night. If you’d like to know how to stop RLS immediately, here is a list of some effective tips.

    • Massaging the legs can give some sort of relief. In the evening, you can take a hot bath. Also, applying a cold and hot compress to the leg muscles will be helpful.
    • Various medical studies on how to stop RLS immediately reflect the fact that diverting or distracting your mind can help to deal with it. Keep yourself engaged in some activities like watching television or reading a book.
    • If you are suffering from RLS disorder, tai chi and yoga can be of great help. Make walking a part of your daily routine. Also, stretching your legs before sleeping is a good idea.
    • As per different medical research reports on how to stop RLS immediately, a few changes in your diet may be effective. Try to have your dinner early and avoid strong or stimulating foods.
    • Take control of your alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine intake. Avoiding these would be the best option. If that is too much, try not to consume any of these at least for several hours before you are off to bed.
    • Spinach, kale, and asparagus are rich in nutrient folic acid that is not only good for health but also aid in dealing with RLS. Hence, it is advisable to add more such foods that include the above-mentioned ingredients.
    • Vitamin B complex supplements, iron supplements, calcium, and folic acid supplements, easily available in the market, often help in curing RLS disorder. However, remember to consult a healthcare professional before you start having these supplements.
    • The most important tip is to drink enough water. When you do not drink sufficient water, you may get dehydrated and this, in turn, aggravates RLS. Apart from water, you can also have a few cups of decaffeinated tea during the day.

    These are some of the tips on how to stop RLS immediately. Other than the aforementioned relief methods, some herbal and pharmaceutical medications are available in the market. However, it is advisable to consult a medical expert before taking any medication.

  • Liver Cirrhosis and its 4 Stages

    The liver is an integral organ of the human body. Therefore, the health of the liver directly affects the well-being of an individual. Liver cirrhosis is a degenerative disorder in which the healthy cells get damaged, resulting in the formation of a scar. This, in turn, leads to a reduced functional ability of the liver. A few common causes of liver cirrhosis are excess and long-term alcohol abuse, and infection due to hepatitis virus. According to a study, every year, cirrhosis is responsible for about 31,000 deaths in the country.

    A few common symptoms of liver cirrhosis are

    • fatigue,
    • nausea,
    • weight loss,
    • drowsiness,
    • jaundice,
    • a loss of appetite,
    • skin problems, and
    • swelling.

    The 4 stages of liver cirrhosis
    There are 4 stages of liver cirrhosis, and each one of them can be differentiated on the basis of severity of the disease and complications associated with it. Two important complications associated with liver cirrhosis are varices and ascites. Varices are enlarged veins, while ascites refers to fluid-accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Both of them are an indication of portal hypertension, which is caused due to a hindrance in the blood flow through the liver.

    Stage 1 Cirrhosis
    This is the stage when neither varices nor ascites occur. However, the liver is in a damaged condition, it is not very severe. The affected individual may feel extremely tired or may experience a lack of energy to carry on regular work.

    Stage 2 Cirrhosis
    In the second stage, portal hypertension worsens and varices develop in the esophagus. However, this stage can be partially reversed if the causes are known on time and an urgent medical help is provided.

    Stage 3 Cirrhosis
    In this stage, ascites develops and varices may be present. This stage is irreversible and generally requires a liver transplant.

    Stage 4 Cirrhosis
    Among the 4 stages of liver cirrhosis, this indicates an end-stage liver disorder. In this stage, the varices of the stomach and esophagus rupture and cause intestinal bleeding, which is an immediate danger to life. A liver transplant usually the only option here.

    How to Deal With Liver Cirrhosis
    If you have been diagnosed with any of the 4 stages of liver cirrhosis, here are a few strategies that you may need to follow:

    • Avoid excess alcohol consumption
    • Take multivitamins regularly
    • Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication as they can worsen the situation
    • Go for a liver transplant, which is the last resort