• Remedies for Quick Relief from Gum Pain

    Pain in the gums is an annoying issue that can occur for several reasons such as canker sores, brushing too hard, and wearing dentures, braces, or retainers. In the case of women, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and menopause can be some of the reasons. Other than these, due to certain oral health issues such as thrush, periodontitis, or gingivitis, you may suffer from severe gum pain. Here is a list of some easy and effective gum pain remedies that you can employ at home. Until you can see a dentist, these home remedies will help you to deal with the severe gum pain.

    You can use either a cold or a hot compress to reduce the pain. For a hot compress, soak a cloth in hot, but not boiling, water; then squeeze out the excess water and press it gently on the face near the affected area, but do not apply directly to the gums. For the cold compress, wrap a pack of ice in a cloth and apply it in the way mentioned above.

    Saltwater Rinse
    Rinsing with salt water is one of the most effective gum pain remedies that help in preventing the bacterial growth in the mouth. Also, it helps in reducing the bacteria on the gums, which may be the reason behind the swelling gums.

    Get tea that is high in the astringent tannins, like green tea, black tea, or hibiscus tea to deal with the pain. Ginger or herbal mixed tea is one of the most useful home remedies.

    Herbal Poultice
    Spilanthes and clove are pain-relieving herbs. Also, powdered turmeric comprises the anti-inflammatory properties and is used in making the ultimate gum pain remedies at home. You simply need to mix any of the powdered herbs with warm water until a paste consistency is there. Now, apply this paste directly to the gums. Until the pain subsides, you need to apply it. Then, rinse the mouth with clean water.

    Homemade dental spray
    To address with the pain in the gum, another popular way is to apply a dental spray that has been made in a natural way by diluting essential oils.

    Other than all the aforementioned natural gum pain remedies, different painkillers and oral anesthetic gels are available in the market. However, before taking any medications, it is always advisable to consult a dentist first as these medications might have side effects. Until you manage to get an appointment with the dentist, these home remedies will be helpful to keep the gum pain in the control.

  • Common C Diff Symptoms

    Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that causes many diseases that could be life-threatening. This bacterium mostly affects old men and women who are in the hospital or long-term healthcare facilities. It generally happens after the use of antibiotics. However, according to some recent studies, there is a huge growth of Clostridium difficile or C diff infection among those who are not considered to be at such high risks as these individuals, are younger and healthier, have no medical history of antibiotic use or have not been exposed to healthcare facilities. Every year, almost half a million people get affected by the C diff bacterium and with each passing year, the Clostridium difficile infections are becoming more and more severe and difficult to handle.

    Here are some of the C diff symptoms that might help identify its effects on the body.

    There are many people who carry C diff bacterium in their intestine. However, they never fall ill because of it. The C diff symptoms will start to appear within 5 to 10 days from the start of the antibiotic course. However, there are occasions when its symptoms start appearing after months of finishing the antibiotic course.

    When the Infection is Mild to Moderate
    Some of the C diff symptoms that appear when the infections are mild to moderate are:

    • Watery diarrhea that may occur three or more times in a day for a minimum of two consecutive days.
    • You can also get some mild abdominal cramping and tenderness as a symptom of Clostridium difficile infection.

    When C Diff Infection is Severe
    When C diff infection becomes severe, people affected might get dehydrated and need to be hospitalized. Clostridium difficile might cause the colon to become inflamed and because of this it may form patches of raw tissues that might bleed or produce pseudomembranous colitis. Some of the C diff symptoms in such cases are:

    • Dehydration
    • Nausea
    • Weight Loss
    • Loss of Appetite
    • Swollen Abdomen
    • Fever
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Diarrhea 10 to 15 times per day
    • The increment in the white blood cell count

    Shortly after finishing the antibiotic course, you might have loose stools. This happens mostly because of Clostridium difficile. If a person has watery stools three to four times a day for two days or more, then it is necessary to consult the doctor, as this is one of the primary symptoms of C diff infections.

  • Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Spleen

    An enlarged spleen is a common phenomenon. The spleen is the organ located just below the left rib cage. There are several conditions that may result in an enlarged spleen such as some forms of cancer, infections, and liver disease. The condition of an enlarged spleen is also called splenomegaly. An enlarged spleen may also be the result of viral infections, patristic infections, bacterial infections, cirrhosis, hemolytic anemia, blood cancers, metabolic disorders like Gaucher’s disease, pressure on the veins in the liver or the spleen, and a blood clot in these veins. Whatever be the case, it is essential to know the symptoms of the condition so that you can seek immediate treatment. Here are a few of the common symptoms of an enlarged spleen.

    Enlarged Spleen Symptoms
    An enlarged spleen may or may not provide early warning signs. If you do experience the symptoms mentioned below, visit a doctor immediately to confirm whether you suffer from the condition of an enlarged spleen. Here are a few of the most common enlarged spleen symptoms.

    • You may experience mild to severe pain or fullness in the left upper abdomen. This feeling may spread to the left shoulder.
    • You may feel full without eating anything or after eating a small portion of food. This happens as the enlarged spleen presses against your stomach and leads to this feeling of fullness.
    • You may suffer from anemia.
    • You may suffer from frequent bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. Visit a doctor immediately if you suffer from frequent infections as this is one of the most common enlarged spleen symptoms.
    • You may feel extremely fatigued at the end of the day even if you have not done too much work.
    • You may experience sharp pain in the left shoulder or shoulder blade when taking a deep breath.

    The above-mentioned symptoms may cause an enlarged spleen. At times, an enlarged spleen may occur without displaying any symptoms at all. It may be discovered during a routine check-up. While a doctor cannot feel a normal-sized spleen, enlarged spleens can be easily felt. Your doctor may then order imaging tests and blood tests to determine the underlying cause of the disease so that it can be treated accordingly. There are several other treatment methods available, and surgery is generally the last resort.

  • All You Need to Know About Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Children

    Newborn kids are quite prone to bacterial and viral infections. Their body is not used to the outside environment when they are born, and because of low resistance to these infections, they can fall sick quite easily. One such issue that kids are known to face these days is pneumococcal pneumonia. It is a kind of bacterial infection that happens due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. This bacterial infection is so severe that it can cause infections in various parts of the body including the brain, bloodstream, lungs, middle ear, and sinus.

    How does the infection spread?
    Research shows that about fifty percent of the people are carriers of this bacterial infection at any given point in time. However, kids are more likely to contract this disease because of their low immunity. Pneumococcal pneumonia spreads when kids inhale the bacteria from the infected air or physically consume something that might be infected. The contagion can be passed on by normal activities like sneezing, coughing, or through the exchange of saliva. It is one of the reasons why you should not share food, straw or drinks with your child. Try to avoid shared dishes as well. Preventing your child from putting everything in their mouth will also help in warding off this disease.

    What are the symptoms of pneumococcal pneumonia?
    As mentioned before, the disease can affect various parts of the body. Depending upon the area affected by pneumococcal pneumonia, the symptoms have been explained as follows:

    • If the bacteria infects the brain, then the child can suffer from meningitis. The symptoms of meningitis are vomiting, nausea, seizures, headaches, persistent crying, and drowsiness.
    • If the bacteria get into the bloodstream, it can result in high fever, headache, nausea, and loss of appetite in your child. If your child is exhibiting these symptoms, you should visit a doctor for further references and tests.
    • In the case of lung infections, the child experiences chest pain due to a persistent cough and discharge of yellow mucus.

    How to prevent the infection?
    The best way to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia is to make sure that your child gets vaccinated. The pneumococcal vaccine has all the necessary ingredients that can ward off the disease as well as the related bacteria within a stipulated span.

  • Know the Warning Signs of Lymph Node Cancer

    Lymph node cancer or Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is one such disease that shows many symptoms. The symptoms depend on where it occurs in your body and the type of lymphoma you are suffering from. There are times when you might not see any symptoms until the node gets bigger. Also, you should remember that having one or more lymph node cancer symptoms do not portray that you are suffering from the disease. Many of the symptoms of lymphoma that you will learn about from this article may be caused by another, not too serious a disease. So, on identifying these symptoms in your body, you should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis.

    Some of the symptoms of lymph node cancer include the following.

    • Swollen abdomen (belly)
    • Chest pain or pressure
    • Severe or frequent infections
    • Enlarged lymph nodes
    • Weight loss
    • Easy bruising or bleeding
    • Lack of appetite
    • Shortness of breath or a cough
    • Fatigue
    • Chills

    Many people suffering from this disease are known to have B symptoms. Some B symptoms are as follows:

    • Drenching night sweats
    • Weight loss without even trying (at least 10% of the total body weight over 6 months)
    • Fever (that can come and go over several days or weeks) without any infection

    Abdominal symptoms of lymphoma
    Abdominal pain is also one of the lymph node cancer symptoms. It can be caused due to the enlargement of the organs and because of this enlargement, you might feel swelling and pain in the abdominal section of your body. Also, there is a loss of appetite because of a large number of fluids deposited in the abdomen.

    Symptoms of lymphoma on the chest
    Some of the more common lymph node cancer symptoms in the chest are as follows:

    • Coughing
    • Chest pain
    • Breathing trouble
    • High pressure in the chest

    Symptoms of lymphoma affecting the brain
    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma can affect the brain as well. Some of the lymph node cancer symptoms affecting the brain are given below:

    • A headache
    • Trouble in thinking
    • Weakness in parts of the body
    • Changes in the personality
    • Double vision
    • Facial numbness
    • Trouble in speaking

    In case you experience some or any of the above symptoms, without panicking, consult a doctor to ascertain the presence of lymphoma without a delay because early detection is the key to recovery and survival.

  • Causes for Pain on the Top of the Foot

    Other than your bones and muscles, your ligaments and tendons also play an equally important role in the functioning of your body. These parts of your legs carry your entire body weight throughout the day. Leg pain has become a common phenomenon these days. Many times people complain of pain on top of the foot which can make walking or even standing a difficult task. However, the severity of pain differs from person to person. The level of pain depends on the causes of this pain and the severity of any injuries. Let’s have a look at these causes of foot pain.

    Causes of pain on the top of the foot
    There can be many reasons for pain on the top of the foot. Activities such as running, kicking, and jumping are some of the more common causes of such pain. Here are some of the reasons for this pain.

    Extensor tendonitis
    One of the principal causes of extensor tendonitis is wearing and overusing tight-fitting shoes. The inflammation happens on the tendons that are on the top of the foot and are responsible for lifting the foot upwards.

    Sinus tarsi syndrome
    The channel between the ankle bone and the heel is known as sinus tarsi. Sinus tarsi syndrome happens when there is an inflammation of the sinus tarsi. Patients with this syndrome experience severe pain on the top of the foot.

    Stress fractures of bones in the feet
    If you have a fracture in your metatarsal bones, you will experience pain on the top of your foot. These bones are located at the top your feet. Swelling is the first symptom that patients with fractured metatarsal bones face.

    Other causes

    • Gout is one of the causes of foot pain. Patients with gout feel pain in the joints at the base of their big toe.
    • Bone spurs are a painful condition that patients face near their toes.
    • Peripheral neuropathy is a condition where you will feel numbness, pain or a prickling sensation that spreads from your feet to your toe.

    You can follow some home remedies to get relief from this pain on the top of your feet. However, if these home remedies don’t work, then you should consult a doctor. They will clarify whether you have an underlying medical issue or not.

  • 4 Major Causes of Hand Numbness

    Hand numbness is one of the many conditions you do not want to suffer from. Imagine touching a chilled or extremely hot appliance and feeling no sensation in your fingers. Scary, right? This is exactly what happens in hand numbness. While some cases are mild and go away with time, other cases affect the nerves and blood vessels in the hands permanently. The damage caused to the nerve endings at the extremities of the fingers leads to the feeling of numbness and tingles. There are many underlying conditions which can lead to numbness in the hands of which diabetes and alcohol abuse are the most common. Here are a few popular causes of the hand numbness condition.

    Causes of hand numbness

    • Raynaud’s Disease – The small arteries in your fingers tend to spasm when you are suffering from this disease. They may also open or close very fast. This leads to extreme pain and numbness in the fingers and the hands as the circulation of blood to the hands and fingers is cut out.
    • Diabetes – Diabetes is one of the most popular causes of hand numbness. Diabetic neuropathy is a condition which leads to significant damage to the nerve endings present in the fingers. Generally, though, this condition originates in the feet and spreads to the rest of the body. Its onset leads to numbness.
    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – The nerves that allow your hand the sensation of feeling become pinched or obstructed due to this condition. This results in the feeling of numbness in the thumbs, index fingers and the middle fingers of both hands.
    • Cervical Radiculopathy – The inflammation or compression of the nerve leaving the neck leads to this condition. It results in numbness in the hands. Also known as a pinched nerve, this condition often causes hand numbness among the masses.

    Some of the other popular causes of hand numbness include vascular diseases, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. If you are feeling tingly or a numbness in your hands, make sure to visit a doctor. While the condition may be temporary, it does not take long for it to develop into a permanent condition if an underlying condition is causing it. Certain lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing you from the risk of its onset or further development. Not drinking too much alcohol and limiting your sugar intake can be a head start in this.


  • Early Signs and Symptoms of Metastatic Cancer

    Metastatic cancer is a tumor which spreads from an initial site to different locations within the body. Cancer cells can spread to closer lymph nodes, tissues, and organs. This is how metastatic cancer occurs and it generally happens at stage IV of cancer. Metastatic cancer is identified by the primary cancer name. For example, breast cancer that has been spread to the lungs is called metastatic breast cancer. The cancer cells in the lungs will have the same features as that of breast cancer.

    How it spreads
    The disease is dangerous because of its ability to spread to different parts of the body. The cancer cell multiplies at the primary location and invades nearby tissues and moves through blood vessels or lymph nodes to the other parts. The most common parts where cancer is spread are the lungs, liver, and brain. Breast cancer is spread to the bone, brain, liver, or lung where it reflects the metastasis breast cancer signs.

    Sign and symptoms of metastatic cancer
    There are no early signs of metastatic cancer. However, when they do appear, they depend on the location of the tumor. Some of the most common symptoms that are related to the lungs, liver, brain, and bones are:

    • Lungs – Individuals experience a chronic cough and breathlessness.
    • Liver – Affected people may experience nausea, jaundice, and the possibility of an enlarged liver. This condition may also cause itchy skin, abdominal pain, or a loss of appetite.
    • Bones – When it affects the bones, people experience severe pain and swelling in the bones and joints. Also, the bones may be susceptible to fractures.
    • Brain – When cancer metastases to the brain, neurological disorders such as severe headaches, seizures, or vertigo may be considered as some of the symptoms. Individuals may also experience vision disturbance, nausea, or behavioral changes.

    Metastasis breast cancer occurs after several years of primary cancer and may be diagnosed at the initial stage. There are no major metastatic breast cancer signs. Some common symptoms include:

    • Severe pain in the breast and discharge from nipples
    • One of the most common metastasis breast cancer signs is a lump or thickening on the breast and near the underarm
    • It may cause pain in the bones and the bones may be vulnerable to fractures

    The treatment is determined by whether the cancer is localized or metastasized. If cancer has metastasized, it increases the probability of a patient’s death. There are malignant cancers that kill persons with metastasis. Metastasized cancer can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, hormone therapy, surgery, or a combination of these.